
Scroll down for details on Adults Pricing

Kids and Youth Class Prices

The price for our Children and Youth classes is £43 per Month for one student attending one class per week. This includes:
– 1 x face to face class
– Access to online resources (FuTube)
– 4 catch up classes for missed classes per term
All classes should be paid for monthly via Direct Debit.

Joining Fee (One-Off)

The Joining Fee is a one-off payment that pays for Membership, Insurance and a T-Shirt. We normally collect your Joining Fee with your first Direct Debit, however you can pay this separately if you wish. The monthly price includes all subsequent Membership and Insurance. 

Kids Joining Fee: £35
Youth Joining Fee: £35/£40 (depending on kids/adult t-shirt)
Youth Escrima Concepts students will also need to purchase a pair of training sticks at £25.


Multi Class Discount:  £20 off the monthly price for each additional class
Family Discount: £10 off the monthly price for each additional student

We have a hardship fund in place to support families who are struggling financially to pay fees. This fund is supported by Cambridge City Council Active Lifestyles team, thanks to the generosity of funding by The Leys School Community Fund . Requests will be considered on an individual basis. Please contact us if you wish to discuss your eligibility and funding options.


Your Joining Fee (see above) includes one t-shirt, and you only need to purchase additional ones when you are ready for a new t-shirt. It’s preferred that you wear plain black jogging bottoms, leggings, shorts or Martial Arts trousers (for example see here). After this all other uniform you purchase is optional.

Please speak to an instructor if you would like to purchase additional t-shirts or have any uniform questions. Additional uniform t-shirts cost £12.50 for kids sizes, and £20 for adults sizes.

Casual Wear: Kung Fu Hoodies and non-uniform t-shirts can be found at

Other Details

  • Grading in our Kids and Youth Classes is included in the monthly price. 
  • Our pricing structure takes in to account the fact that we are closed for the Christmas Holidays and that most people will take approximately one month’s holiday each year in addition to this. Therefore, Direct Debit payments will remain continuous throughout the year.
  • If you miss any classes you are welcome to attend up to 4 catch up classes per term. Please contact us if you would like to do this.
  • We require one month’s notice if you intend to stop training with us/stop paying for your classes.

Adults Class Prices

The price for our Adults classes includes training in both our Wing Chun and Escrima Concepts programmes.

Standard: £59 per month, unlimited classes
Basic: £49 per month, 1 class per week
These include access to our online syllabus resources – FuTube.
All classes are paid for monthly via Direct Debit.

Joining Fee (One-Off)

The Joining Fee is a one-off payment that pays for CKF Membership, Insurance and a T-Shirt. We normally collect your Joining Fee with your first Direct Debit, however you can pay this separately if you wish. The monthly price includes all subsequent CKF Membership and Insurance. 

Escrima Concepts members will also need to purchase sticks and an EC International membership booklet by the time they pass their frst grade. See below for more details.


Family Discount: £10 off the monthly price for each additional student.


Your Joining Fee (see above) includes one t-shirt. It’s preferred that you wear plain black jogging bottoms, leggings, shorts or Martial Arts trousers (for example see here). After this all other uniform you purchase is optional.

Please speak to an instructor if you would like to purchase additional t-shirts or have any uniform questions. Additional uniform t-shirts cost £20 for adults.

Casual Wear: Kung Fu Hoodies and non-uniform t-shirts can be found at


Escrima Concepts Grading
Student Grades 1-6: £25 each
Student Grades 7-9: £25 each, plus £50 for Assistant Instructor Level

Wing Chun Grading
Students Grades (1-3, 5-7, 9-11): £25 each
Revision Grades (4, 8, 12): £40 each

Other Details

  • Our pricing structure takes in to account the fact that we are closed for the Christmas Holidays and that most people will take approximately one month’s holiday each year in addition to this. Therefore, Direct Debit payments will remain continuous throughout the year.
  • If you miss any classes you are welcome to attend up to 4 catch up classes per term. Please contact us if you would like to do this.
  • We require one month’s notice if you intend to stop training with us/stop paying for your classes.

Wing Chun
– UCT International Membership: When you have completed the Student Grade syllabus you will need to be a member of UCT International (Sifu Benno Westra’s organisation). This costs £37.50 a year and is due in January. This membership allows you to grade with Sifu Benno (needed for the Advanced Grades), as well as attend and be recognised in seminars and clubs throughout his UCT organisation. 

Escrima Concepts
– Sticks:Students attending Youth/Adult Escrima Concepts are also expected to purchase their own sticks costing £30 (£25 for Youth sticks)
– EC International Membership: Adult members need to be a member of Escrima Concepts Internation (GM Steve Tappin’s organisation) which costs £20 a year and is due each October. Your membership from when you start until your first October is covered by Cambridge Kung Fu. This membership allows you to be graded by Steve and Wayne, as well as attend and be recognised in seminars and clubs throughout the Escrima Concepts organisation. It also includes your insurance cover to train in all non-CKF ‘Escrima Concepts’ events in the UK and Europe.
– EC Membership Booklet: When you take your first grade you will be required to purchase an Escrima Concepts membership booklet which lasts for 10 years and costs £20. You should keep this with your weapons and take it with you whenever you attend non-CKF events.